Polyhydramnios what to do. Polyhydramnios

Good day, my dear readers! I think many women, having learned about their interesting position, begin to read literature related to pregnancy. Unfortunately, the information is not always “filtered” and, along with really necessary advice, future mothers are read out by various articles about possible pathologies of pregnancy.

The whole collapse lies in the fact that pregnant women are very impressionable and look for various symptoms of a particular pathology. So, for example, many expectant mothers manage to diagnose themselves with polyhydramnios during pregnancy. We will discuss the causes and consequences of such a diagnosis right now so that there are no unnecessary questions and suspicions.

We all know perfectly well that throughout the entire period of pregnancy, the baby "lives" in the water. So, polyhydramnios is an excessive "accumulation" of amniotic fluid.

Amniotic fluid (or amniotic fluid) performs important functions:

  • protective (both from various injuries and infections);
  • heat exchange and maintenance of a constant level of pressure;
  • participation in metabolic processes.

Unfortunately, the "intrauterine water balance" can be disturbed due to various reasons. Such a pathology can lead to disastrous consequences, so every woman should know what to do in case of such a diagnosis as polyhydramnios.

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However, it is important to understand that the accumulation of amniotic fluid is extremely rare - in only 1% of cases. So, it is likely that a woman who has not yet been to a doctor's appointment has thought up a problem for herself.

2. Classification of pathology

As statistics show, polyhydramnios is an extremely rare phenomenon, and in order to determine the presence of this pathology, the help of a specialist is needed. There is a certain table (relatively speaking, “tracking” the amount of amniotic fluid) that helps doctors determine the presence (or absence) of this disease.

It is customary to distinguish the following forms of polyhydramnios:

  1. acute form. This pathology is quite easy to determine at an early diagnosis. One of the most important signs is a sharp increase in "intrauterine" fluid. Acute polyhydramnios develops rapidly, which is dangerous for a pregnant woman. One of the worst consequences: uterine rupture.
  2. Chronic form. This pathology is usually detected only in the last stages of gestation (although this is also difficult).
  3. moderate form. Fortunately, this form rarely leads to consequences. If a woman in labor has moderate polyhydramnios, it is likely that she will give birth naturally and without surgical intervention.

3. What causes polyhydramnios

As it turned out, science is not always “omnipotent”, therefore, at the moment, the exact reasons for the emergence of this pathology have not been found.

However, there are some preconditions:

  • chronic diseases of the mother (including diabetes mellitus);
  • various infections (for example, herpes, toxoplasmosis);
  • deviations in the development of the fetus itself (for example, pathologies associated with the central nervous system);
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • nutrition of the baby (in the third trimeter, the child can swallow more liquid than before, which provokes an increase in amniotic fluid);
  • incompatibility of Rh factors of mother and father;
  • other.

If a woman has prerequisites for polyhydramnios, she should visit a doctor more often than usual - this is necessary to control the amniotic fluid.

4. Is it possible to recognize polyhydramnios on your own

Moreover, it is polyhydramnios that is extremely difficult to recognize. The fact is that a pregnant woman often takes all the signs of pathology for granted and there is an explanation for this, because the symptoms of this disease are:

  • constant loss of strength;
  • heavy breathing during physical exertion (for example, when climbing stairs);
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • the appearance of stretch marks;
  • swelling of the limbs and other parts of the body;
  • a sharp jump in the heartbeat;
  • other.

There are other symptoms, such as changes in the fundus of the uterus. However, only a doctor on an internal examination can identify such deviations. This means that it is not so easy to self-diagnose.

5. Is polyhydramnios treated?

I will not keep the intrigue - not always. It all depends on the form of the disease and the time when the pathology was detected.

However, do not despair if you conscientiously attend the consultations of a female doctor - an increase in amniotic fluid will be detected at a very early stage.

In this case, we can talk about a possible treatment:

  • antibiotics;
  • vitamins;
  • drugs that affect the immune system, etc.

With moderate polyhydramnios often prescribed vilprafen. In any case, you need to follow the doctor's recommendations and do not choose drugs on your own.

Again, you need to understand that polyhydramnios itself can arise on the basis of another disease, and here measures will be taken to eliminate the primary source.

6. What are the consequences for mother and child

No disease can be started. Same with polyhydramnios. Lack of treatment can lead to complications.

For a child:

  • decreased immune system;
  • deviation in the development of the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;
  • various infections;
  • cord entanglement;
  • premature birth (with all the ensuing consequences);
  • prolapse of the limbs of the child during childbirth;
  • chronic diseases (for example, hypoxia).

For mother:

  • blood loss before and after childbirth;
  • childbirth that occurred earlier than the expected date;
  • change in the position of the child in the womb (for example, to the pelvic or transverse);
  • placental abruption;
  • weak generic activity;
  • severe toxicosis, which is fraught with dehydration of the body.

The worst thing that can happen is spontaneous miscarriage. Accordingly, a lethal outcome for the baby.

7. Prevention of polyhydramnios

Currently, many young mothers neglect their health while carrying a child.

However, there are those women who, even during the planning of pregnancy, begin to lead a correct lifestyle.

Unfortunately, there is no “key” that would protect the expectant mother from such a pathology as polyhydramnios. Here, rather, you need to rely on luck, and follow a few golden rules for a pregnant woman:

  • eat right;
  • breathe fresh air, triple walking;
  • attend scheduled medical consultations;
  • do not overcool (and vice versa, do not overheat);
  • do not be nervous and lead a calm lifestyle;
  • rest more often;
  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • refrain from working with harmful substances.

In other matters, all expectant mothers know about this, and most of them lead the right way of life. But, sometimes this is not enough. Statistics say that in a third of pregnant women who have had polyhydramnios, the cause of the pathology has not been established.

And although an increase in amniotic fluid is a negative factor during pregnancy, this does not mean at all that you will not give birth! If doctors determine that your condition is deteriorating, and excess amniotic fluid can harm the fetus, an emergency caesarean section is prescribed (of course, if we are talking about the last months of pregnancy).

In most cases, childbirth is quite successful, just a little more difficult than in the absence of such a pathology as polyhydramnios. This is where it's important to get it right.

You can watch a video review of polyhydramnios during pregnancy here:

In this article:

Pregnancy is undoubtedly the happiest period in a woman's life, but even he can sometimes be overshadowed by all sorts of troubles and pathologies. One of these pathological conditions during pregnancy is polyhydramnios, which must be treated.

The composition of amniotic fluid changes throughout pregnancy, so it is important to monitor their amount in each trimester.

Polyhydramnios is the appearance of an excess amount of amniotic fluid, significantly exceeding the norm. The diagnosis of polyhydramnios can put a woman at a variety of stages of pregnancy. These complications occur in 1 in 100 pregnancies.

In the normal course of pregnancy, the necessary amount of amniotic fluid is formed for the development of the fetus, approximately 1000-1500 ml. The amniotic fluid consists of 97% water, which contains proteins, calcium, chlorine and sodium salts. Thus, the baby receives oxygen, necessary nutrients and reliable protection from the external environment. Also, the embryo can calmly move and swim in the mother's abdomen, make movements with the limbs.

Amniotic fluid is the environment in which the fetus develops. The water temperature is 37 degrees.

Properties of amniotic fluid:

  1. The amniotic fluid protects the embryo from impact and shock. In addition, the noise coming from the outside world is also muffled.
  2. Amniotic fluid protects the umbilical cord from being squeezed between the wall of the uterus and the fetus.
  3. Amniotic fluid helps reduce pain during labor.
  4. They help open the cervix during childbirth.
  5. The bubble, in which the fetus and amniotic fluid are located, creates an airtight shell into which nothing can enter from the outside.
  6. Amniotic fluid contains immunoglobulins.

The amount of amniotic fluid changes every week. Therefore, for each trimester of pregnancy, there are rules. At the very beginning of pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid is approximately 30 ml. At 23 weeks, the amount of amniotic fluid is about 600-700 ml. By 30, 32, 33 and 34 weeks, this figure is approximately 600-900 ml. By week 36, the amount of water already increases to 1000. At 37 and 38 weeks of pregnancy, the amount of amniotic fluid becomes maximum. At 39 weeks and closer to the birth itself, there is a decrease in amniotic fluid to 800 ml.

In the presence of some predisposing factors, the amount of water may decrease or increase. When amniotic fluid is less than normal, then this condition is called oligohydramnios. Oligohydramnios is also a pathology and affects the development of the fetus and the condition of the pregnant woman.

Causes of polyhydramnios

Although the causes of polyhydramnios are not yet fully understood, there are some factors that contribute to the occurrence of this pathology.

Polyhydramnios during pregnancy can occur due to such reasons:

  • pathology of fetal development;
  • infectious diseases of a pregnant woman;
  • bacterial infection;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Rhesus conflict between mother and fetus;
  • metabolic disease;
  • diabetes;
  • pyelonephritis;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • large fruit.

Types of polyhydramnios

This condition in a pregnant woman can proceed in different ways: in an acute form or a chronic form. There may be severe or moderate polyhydramnios.

The acute form is characterized by a violation of the general condition of the pregnant woman and the fetus. Such childbirth, as a rule, ends in miscarriage, stillbirth, or such a child will have developmental defects. Polyhydramnios appears in an acute form, usually starting from the 16th to the 24th week. Sometimes the amount of amniotic fluid can increase even within a few hours. In this case, immediate medical attention is required, in view of the dangerous condition.

Moderate polyhydramnios during pregnancy is characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms and signs. Moderate polyhydramnios can lead to the birth of a child with developmental anomalies. This is due to the constant lack of oxygen. Very often, moderate polyhydramnios occurs in a chronic asymptomatic form, and therefore can go unnoticed for a long time.

Signs of polyhydramnios

Sometimes a pregnant woman herself may suspect polyhydramnios, by the presence of some signs characteristic of this condition.

  1. The belly of a pregnant woman with an excess amount of amniotic fluid reaches a circumference of more than 100 cm. It has a slightly rounded shape. There is a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen and back. The uterus increases in size and begins to squeeze the internal neighboring organs. Therefore, as a consequence, a pregnant woman often has shortness of breath and other ailments.
  2. Lower limbs may swell. In some cases, early rupture of amniotic fluid may even occur.
  3. A fluctuation appears: in a pregnant woman, gurgling in the abdomen is quite clearly audible. There are pains in the perineum.
  4. A large number of stretch marks appear on the abdomen.
  5. The pregnant woman's pulse quickens. The fetal heartbeat is weakly audible.
  6. Since there is more free space, the fetus takes the wrong position in the uterus (pelvic, oblique). This is directly reflected in the childbirth itself: the stretched uterus contracts incorrectly and childbirth with polyhydramnios will be characterized by weak labor activity.

Polyhydramnios is also dangerous because the child can wrap around the umbilical cord. Hypoxia may develop, the fetus will receive less oxygen. Even if the birth takes place on time, the fetus may have intrauterine pathology, such a child may be born with a violation of the development of internal organs or systems.

It should be remembered that the earlier polyhydramnios appears in a woman, the more amniotic fluid accumulates and the risk of complications increases.

Moderate polyhydramnios

The diagnosis of moderate polyhydramnios is made when the amount of amniotic fluid is approximately 1.5 or 2 liters. And although such a diagnosis is made even in the first trimester of pregnancy, it is possible to seriously talk about the presence of pathology only starting after the 16th week. The cause of this condition is often the Rh-conflict of the mother and fetus or the presence of infections.

A woman with moderate polyhydramnios feels tension in the abdomen. It becomes more elastic. When you feel the fetus, you will notice that it often changes its position. You can hear the rolling of water in the stomach. The uterus increases in size and becomes edematous.

You can determine moderate polyhydramnios at a scheduled ultrasound examination or at an examination. Moderate polyhydramnios is characterized by early labor and placental abruption.

A pregnant woman with moderate polyhydramnios should be constantly under the supervision of specialists, as sometimes it happens that this diagnosis is erroneous or temporary.

In the absence of a serious pathology, the doctor tries to keep the pregnancy and that the birth takes place naturally without artificial intervention. Conservative treatment is prescribed: vitamins, hypothiazide. If necessary, antibiotic therapy is carried out.

Polyhydramnios at the end of pregnancy

Polyhydramnios at the end of pregnancy is approximately 0.6% of all other pathologies. Its appearance may be caused by late toxicosis. This threatens with serious complications during childbirth:

  • prolapse of the umbilical cord;
  • oxygen starvation of the fetus;
  • weakness of labor activity.

Therefore, such a diagnosis is an indicator for carrying out. Treatment of such polyhydramnios is carried out depending on the cause.

Diagnosis of polyhydramnios

You can diagnose polyhydramnios at an examination by a gynecologist at an appointment in a antenatal clinic. To do this, the doctor examines the pregnant woman for the presence of relevant signs. The most reliable method for diagnosing polyhydramnios is an ultrasound examination. Doplerometry is also prescribed. Thus, it is possible to identify a more accurate amount of amniotic fluid, check the blood flow in the umbilical cord and placenta.

A thorough examination of the fetus allows you to identify possible anomalies in its development.

Polyhydramnios can be diagnosed using the "amniotic index". There is a special table that allows you to determine the amount of amniotic fluid is normal in a certain trimester of pregnancy.

If the diagnosis is confirmed, then the woman is sent for an additional examination of the fetus.


With polyhydramnios, the following consequences are possible:

  • or termination of pregnancy;
  • fetal death or developmental defects;
  • if an infection becomes the cause of polyhydramnios, then there is a possibility of infection of the fetus;
  • prolapse of the umbilical cord or handle (leg) of the fetus during childbirth;
  • the presenting part of the fetus does not fall during childbirth or is not fixed;
  • malposition.
  • bleeding;
  • various gestoses.


The main treatment for the diagnosis of polyhydramnios is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused this pathology. First, the expectant mother passes all the necessary tests confirming the presence of polyhydramnios: fetal cardiotocography, ultrasound examination, blood test for the Rh factor, dopplerography and others.

As a rule, complex treatment is carried out. In case of moderate or unexpressed pathology, the pregnant woman is prescribed drug therapy. Depending on the condition of the woman, treatment can take place in a hospital or at home (outpatient). This condition does not require termination of pregnancy or delivery.

Diuretics (diuretics), vitamins and antibiotics are prescribed. Antibiotics are necessary to fight microorganisms, since the main cause of polyhydramnios often lies in the infectious process. Also, starting from 24 weeks and up to 38, indomethacin is prescribed.

If the prescribed treatment does not help or polyhydramnios takes a severe form, then the doctor prescribes early delivery. They use medications that help artificially induce labor.

During artificial delivery, it is necessary to carefully open the membranes, and gradually release the amniotic fluid so as not to cause fetal asphyxia. This procedure is carried out using a thin catheter. Measures are taken to prevent prolapse of the umbilical cord or limbs of the fetus.

Medicines to stimulate labor should be used no earlier than 2 hours after the outflow of amniotic fluid.

In the early stages, when it is impossible to carry out delivery, amniotic fluid is released. Amniotic fluid helps the baby move through the birth canal, regardless of the artificial or natural opening of the fetal bladder. But this should be done carefully so that the umbilical cord does not fall out.

If the fetus has malformations that are incompatible with life, then for up to 28 weeks, an abortion is performed.


If polyhydramnios does not affect the condition of a pregnant woman or her fetus, then in this case, childbirth is carried out naturally. Mandatory procedure in this case: artificial opening of the fetal bladder. In this case, the volume of the uterus decreases, and this helps to make contractions more productive. Often such childbirth is delayed, and then there is a need for rhodostimulation. Rhodostimulation is carried out by the introduction of labor-accelerating drugs. And already as the most extreme remedy, a caesarean section is performed.

The postpartum period may be complicated by bleeding due to poor uterine contractility. Therefore, the woman is prescribed the introduction of reducing drugs, such as oxytocin and methylergometrine.

Prevention of polyhydramnios

Since polyhydramnios is a pathology, this condition can be avoided if precautions are taken.

It is very important to immediately exclude the presence of an Rhesus conflict. During pregnancy, a woman should move as much as possible. It is necessary to calculate the amount of fluid taken. It also does not hurt to adjust the diet a little.

To prevent polyhydramnios, the expectant mother should take vitamin complexes or medications prescribed by a doctor.

It is necessary to undergo all examinations and analyzes on time, as they will help to identify a pathology or deviation in the development of the fetus even at the earliest stages.

In this case, you can avoid serious consequences during childbirth and in the postpartum period. It is important to remember that regular examinations by an obstetrician-gynecologist are not just a formality, but a vital necessity on which the condition of the baby depends.

Useful video

The fetus is surrounded by amniotic fluid, the volume of which changes throughout pregnancy (the longer the gestation period, the more amniotic fluid becomes).

Polyhydramnios is such a pathology of the amniotic fluid, in which there is an excess of it, and even an excess. So, by the end of pregnancy (37-38 weeks), the amount of water should not exceed 1.5 liters.


The reasons that lead to polyhydramnios are not well understood. Conventionally, they can be divided into several groups:

maternal reasons

First of all, this group includes chronic diseases of women.

Diabetes mellitus in 25% of cases causes polyhydramnios during the gestation period. This also includes chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems (glomerulonephritis and pyelonephritis, hypertension, heart defects).

An important role in the development of polyhydramnios is played by chronic or acute infections. Especially those that are included in the group of TORCH infections (rubella, herpes, cytomegalovirus, toxoplasmosis).

In addition, diseases of the genital area (uterine fibroids, endometriosis, chronic inflammatory processes of the uterus and appendages) serve as the reason for the increase in the volume of amniotic fluid.

Causes due to fetal pathology

First of all, these are congenital anomalies of development and chromosomal diseases (anencephaly, pathology of the spinal cord and urinary system, neoplastic processes, and others).

Also, polyhydramnios develops with multiple pregnancies or large fetal sizes.

Factors due to the pathology of pregnancy

This group includes: various pathologies of the placenta (tumors of the child's place), preeclampsia (damage to the walls of blood vessels and an increase in their permeability), a decrease in hemoglobin, Rh-conflict pregnancy.

Idiopathic polyhydramnios also occurs, the cause of which could not be established.


Diagnosis of polyhydramnios includes a physical examination and additional research methods:

Physical examination

When measuring the circumference of the abdomen and the height of the fundus of the uterus, their significant sizes are determined, exceeding the indicators characteristic of this period of pregnancy. This is especially noticeable with regular monitoring of a pregnant woman. Palpation of the uterus reveals its tension and excessive mobility of the embryo.

Table: standing height of the uterine fundus and abdominal circumference by week of pregnancy

When listening to the fetal heartbeat, muffled or muffled heart sounds are determined.

In the case of a vaginal examination of a woman in childbirth, a tense fetal bladder can be detected even outside the contraction.

Instrumental examination

The "gold standard" for determining the amount of amniotic fluid is the calculation of the amniotic fluid index (AFI) during ultrasound.

Polyhydramnios is diagnosed with an increase in IAI and the size of the largest pocket of amniotic fluid 8 cm or more. However, ultrasound should be performed in dynamics (repeatedly).

Norms of the amniotic fluid index by week

  • 16 weeks - 73-201mm (average 121mm);
  • 17 weeks - 77-211mm (average 127mm);
  • 18 weeks - 80-220mm (average 133mm);
  • 19 weeks - 83-230mm (average 137mm);
  • 20 weeks - 86-230mm (average 141mm);
  • 21 weeks - 88-233mm (average 143mm);
  • 22 weeks - 89-235mm (average 145mm);
  • 23 weeks - 90-237mm (average 146mm);
  • 24 weeks - 90-238mm (average 147mm);
  • 25 weeks - 89-240mm (average 147mm);
  • 26 weeks - 89-242mm (average 147mm);
  • 27 weeks - 85-245mm (average 156mm);
  • 28 weeks - 86-249mm (average 146mm);
  • 29 weeks - 84-254mm (average 145mm);
  • 30 weeks - 82-258mm (average 145mm);
  • 31 weeks - 79-263mm (average 144mm);
  • 32 weeks - 77-269mm (average 144mm);
  • 33 weeks - 74-274mm (average 143mm);
  • 34 weeks - 72-278mm (average 142mm);
  • 35 weeks - 70-279mm (average 140mm);
  • 36 weeks - 68-279mm (average 138mm);
  • 37 weeks - 66-275mm (average 135mm);
  • 38 weeks - 65-269mm (average 132mm);
  • 39 weeks - 64-255mm (average 127mm);
  • 40 weeks - 63-240mm (average 123mm);
  • 41 weeks - 63-216mm (average 116mm);
  • 42 weeks - 63-192mm (average 110mm).

Lab tests

Of the laboratory research methods, additionally assigned

  • blood for Rh factor and antibodies,
  • blood for sugar (to exclude gestational diabetes),
  • PCR for detection of pathogens of TORCH infections.

Cardiotocography (CTG) and Doppler

In order to assess the condition of the fetus, cardiotocography (instrumental listening to the fetal heartbeat) and dopplerometry (study of blood flow in the fetal, umbilical and uterine vessels) are performed.

Polyhydramnios treatment

Treatment of excess amniotic fluid is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused it. If hyperglycemia (high blood sugar) is detected, treatment is aimed at normalizing its level. In case of detection of Rh-sensitization of the pregnant woman, appropriate therapy is carried out (treatment or prevention of hemolytic disease of the fetus).

If intrauterine malformations are found in the fetus, which led to the development of polyhydramnios and are incompatible with the life of the child, the pregnancy is terminated for medical reasons.

A moderate degree of polyhydramnios detected in the third trimet is an indication for its further prolongation during the treatment of placental insufficiency (improvement of uteroplacental blood flow).

With moderate polyhydramnios are assigned:

  • tocolytics (expanding uterine vessels and reducing the tone of the uterus): partusisten, ginipral;
  • antispasmodics: papaverine, no-shpa, magnesia;
  • antiplatelet agents (improve the rheology or "fluidity" of the blood): trental, chimes;
  • vitamins (ascorbic acid, group B, tocopherol as an antioxidant);
  • actovegin (improves the absorption of glucose and oxygen).

When an intrauterine infection is detected, etiotropic therapy is prescribed (drugs that are detrimental to infectious agents): antibiotics of the macrolide group (erythromycin, josamycin), antiviral or anti-candidiasis agents.

If acute polyhydramnios or severe chronic polyhydramnios is diagnosed after 28 weeks of pregnancy, treatment is carried out until signs of fetal lung maturation appear (in this case, glucocorticoids, surfactant are prescribed), followed by early delivery.

The indication for termination of pregnancy is a gestational age of less than 28 weeks and acute polyhydramnios.

In some cases, therapeutic amniocentesis is possible, although its effectiveness is rather low.

In childbirth, an early opening of the fetal bladder and careful (under the control of the hand) slow discharge of them is shown to prevent prolapse of the umbilical cord loops. The end of the second and third stage of labor is carried out under intravenous administration of uterotonics (oxytocin).

The course of childbirth and the effect of polyhydramnios on the fetus

Polyhydramnios has an adverse effect on the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

Often there is a premature outflow of water, which causes premature birth or termination of pregnancy in the later stages.

Also, polyhydramnios aggravates the course of preeclampsia or serves as a starting point in its development.

In childbirth, due to overstretching of the uterus, weakness of the labor force often occurs, early or prenatal outflow of water, hypotonic bleeding in the afterbirth and early postpartum periods.

Premature abruption of the placenta is also possible, both during pregnancy and in childbirth.

The postpartum period is characterized by subinvolution (slow contraction of the uterus).

Polyhydramnios causes incorrect positions and presentation of the fetus due to its increased motor activity, extensor insertion of the fetal head during childbirth.

Also, childbirth can be complicated by prolapse of the loop of the umbilical cord and small parts of the child. The increased activity of the fetus in the overstretched uterus contributes to the entanglement of the umbilical cord, which can lead to impaired fetoplacental blood flow, intrauterine fetal hypoxia, and even death in childbirth.

The effect of polyhydramnios on the fetus

Excess amniotic fluid can lead to the following consequences for the fetus:

  • fetal death during pregnancy or childbirth (intrauterine hypoxia, abortion, strangulation by the umbilical cord);
  • development of pneumopathy (non-infectious lung diseases) due to aspiration syndrome or intrauterine infection;
  • low birth weight of the fetus (hypotrophy) due to intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus;
  • large size of the fetus (4 or more kg) as a result of hyperglycemia.

Some research on pregnancy

Around the baby in the womb is a constant amniotic fluid, which is vital for its safety and development. These waters are the protection of the fetus from mechanical shocks, infections, temperature changes, they are important for the formation of the processes of respiration and digestion, as well as for the development of the bones and muscles of the baby. What is polyhydramnios? This is when too much amniotic fluid accumulates in the uterus, this diagnosis occurs in 1% of all pregnancies.

Types of polyhydramnios

Relative - not dangerous if the doctor is sure that the pregnant woman does not have any infection. It is most common in women who are expecting a large child.

Idiopathic - polyhydramnios, the cause of which has remained unclear.

Moderate - the size of the vertical pocket is 8-18 cm.

Pronounced - the size of the vertical pocket is above 18cm, and more than 24cm.

Borderline, a tendency to polyhydramnios - when the level is at the borderline between the norm and the elevated level. Observation is required.

Acute - when the amount of water increases at a high speed. Quite dangerous for the life of the fetus, if no action is taken by the doctors.

Chronic - the amount of fluid is above normal, but stable.

Causes of polyhydramnios during pregnancy

Experts say that it is possible to find out the causes of polyhydramnios only in 2 cases out of 3. It turns out that one third of pregnant women with this diagnosis have idiopathic polyhydramnios (for no apparent reason). Why does a woman have this problem?

  • Uncontrolled diabetes mellitus in a woman.
  • Multiple pregnancy. In most cases, it happens that one child receives more blood and nutrients than another, which leads to complications.
  • Anomalies in the development of the fetus. In this case, it can be difficult for the baby to swallow and process the amniotic fluid. This occurs due to cleft lip or palate, hydrocephalus, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, nervous system or heart.
  • Fetal anemia.
  • Cardiovascular disease in pregnancy.
  • Incompatibility of blood of mother and child.
  • Problems in the work of the placenta.

Signs and Diagnosis

If we are talking about a mild form, then usually a woman does not feel any suspicious abnormalities.

If the case is severe, then there is shortness of breath, swelling in the lower abdomen and rare trips to the toilet in a small way.

Polyhydramnios is usually diagnosed after an ultrasound. It can be prescribed unscheduled if the gynecologist suddenly noticed some signs - high blood pressure, a urinary tract infection suddenly appeared, the stomach became larger than normal and edema appeared.

Treatment Methods

If polyhydramnios is acute, then an amniotomy will be prescribed to remove excess water. If it is chronic, then it will be better to prolong the pregnancy until the due date and prescribe complex therapy.

Is it possible to recover at home folk remedies? I strongly recommend that you follow the doctor's instructions and do not use any herbal remedies or homeopathy. There are a number of drugs that are used depending on the cause of polyhydramnios, we will talk about them in detail below. And leave folk remedies for the treatment of colds.

What does an obstetrician-gynecologist usually prescribe?

  • Actovegin, Curantil. These funds are prescribed to everyone in a row, with the slightest deviation from the norm. To use them or not for prevention is the decision of every woman. Here are interesting data on each of the drugs: Curantil and Actovegin.
  • Antibacterial drugs (Amoxiclav, Ampicillin, Wilprafen, Rovamycin, Cefazolin). Some of them are prohibited during pregnancy, but their use is possible if the benefit outweighs the possible risk. In most cases, polyhydramnios reveals the infection that led to it. It is necessary to take tests and determine which antibiotic these bacteria have an increased sensitivity to. This method is an order of magnitude more effective than just drinking a randomly selected drug for prevention.
  • Wobenzym. The drug of animal and vegetable origin. It is used in complex therapy with antibacterial drugs.
  • Diuretics (Canephron, Hypothiazid).
  • Indomethacin. Decongestant and anti-inflammatory drug. Helps to normalize fluid levels.
  • Vitamins.